For a more extensive guidance to the installation process, please consult the user manual, Chapter 4, Installation.

Step 1.
 Install the Software:

  1. Run the Driver installer for your device
  2. Run the installer for the program

Step 2.

Logging in:

  1. Start NeXus Software from the desktop Icon  
  2. Use username “admin” with password “admin”
  3. Change the password into a password of choice
  4. Log-in with your new password

Step 3.
 Activate your license:

  1. Go to “Account settings”  
  2. Choose “License”
  3. Copy the request code and send it to
  4. Paste the returned key into the license key field
  5. Click “Activate” 

Step 4.
 Add your device(s):

  1. Connect your NeXus device with the USB cable and turn the NeXus on
  2. Go to “General Settings”, “Device Management”
  3. Click the purple “+” button and choose the correct serial number from the dropdown list
  4. Save your change

Step 5.
Check your sensor configuration under “General settings”, “Sensor Configuration”.

Step 6.
Check your preferred settings under “General settings”, “Modality preferences”. 

  1. Under “EEG” you can change EEG frequency bands and set the Notch filter
  2. Under “Biofeedback” you can change your mains frequency and unit of measure if necessary

Step 7.
Create a client and start your first assessment or training via the “Client overview”.